Friday, January 8, 2016

How should states be represented in the new government?

This is the question the 8th grade history class debated at a mock Constitutional Convention. Each student took on the role of one of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention. At the convention, led by General George Washington, the students portrayed their delegates' views. Each state tried to get their proposal passed. After coming to a deadlock, the delegates had to come to a compromise in an effort to keep the convention from falling apart. At the end of the 3 day convention, the delegates came to a compromise and most of the delegates signed the Constitution.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What do Capture the Flag and The Revolutionary War have in common?

This past Friday the 8th grade had the opportunity to participate in an experiential exercise that helped them better understand the various factors of the Revolutionary War. They participated in 6 rounds of Capture the Flag which were each analogous to the course of the war for independence from Great Britain. In each round, the rules changed just enough to tilt the outcome of the game in the Blue Team’s (Patriot’s) favor. It was a great illustration of how the Continental army was able to defeat the British. The students had a great time and at the end of the 6 rounds had already begun to come up with their own analogies between the game they just played and the Revolutionary War. Over the course of the next week, the 8th grade history class will look at the historical analogies between the modified Capture the Flag game and the War for Independence.

Monday, September 21, 2015

8th Grade History Students Participate in their own Colonial Fair!

The new school year is off to a great start. I am looking forward to a fantastic year full of learning and fun. In history the 8th grade has already hosted their own Colonial Fair. Each group presented a specific colony and gave a 2-3 minute sales pitch telling why newcomers should settle in their colony. The presentations included color posters, interesting facts, benefits the colony had to offer, and a fun slogan and even a jingle. The students had a great time presenting their colonies to their classmates and an even better time presenting their colonies to the 5th grade. The best part was that the 5th grade got to vote on which colony they would like to settle in based on the presentations given. All in all it was a great time!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Colonial Fair

We had a great time getting ready for our Colonial Fair. We had an even better time putting on the Colonial Fair for the 4th and 5th grade classes. At the end of the fair, the students had the opportunity to vote on which colony they would have liked to settle in.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I am looking forward to a wonderful year! I will be teaching Math 7, Algebra, and History 8. I am excited to see all my previous students and all the new students who will be joining us this year. You are in for an exciting adventure.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Welcome Back

Welcome back, Jr. High! I am excited for a new school year. I will be teaching English 6, History 7, Math 6, and Algebra 1. We are going to have a great time learning and working together.  Please check out my blog periodically to find new and upcoming information.

Be sure to get enough sleep before school begins so this doesn't happen to you!